  1. Apology
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I have loved and lost
Paid the greatest price
Packed my bags and left this world
I took my own advice
I thought that we could make it
I thought we would be fine
Now I'm running from the chaos
From the true scene of the crime

You'd never understand
You don't know me like I do
A moment's sudden pain
Has split my heart right through in two
I just don't have the nerve
I just can't find the words
I'm not like all the others
I'm a special kind of girl

And/Yes I'm sorry if I hurt you
I'm guilty through and through
Forgive me if you can
Isn't that what we lovers/sinners do?
One day I will return here
Face the music once again
Oh can't you hear me crying
This is me trying/me apologising
Me building a bridge

Life has been so hard
Did I expect too much?
Somebody who could turn the tide
And put me back in touch
I thought that we would get there
I thought the world of you
I'm a special kind of girl
Is this still enough for you?